Hi there, I'm Ru Jia.

I design innovative experiences for business and users. You will see my efforts on UX design and research, visual design, space design and photography now.

Hope you enjoy my work and love my keen eyes!

UX Design | Promotion Design | Internship Project


In 2017 summer, I had a 3-month internship in Alipay, the wolrd largest mobile payment platform affiliated with Alibaba Group.

“Cashless Week” is Alipay’s promotion, which is intended to accelerate the construction of Chinese Cashless Society.

Alipay Cashless Week

Service Design | UX Research | Library Fellowship Project

Library Circle

A mobile service platform that integrates physical and digital library experience.

Alipay Branding

UX Design | Individual Project

Food Calendar

Food Calendar is a mobile app that helps busy people manage their diet and buy fresh food.

Alipay Cashless Week